담수생물종목록 검색
- 대구잎벌레
- Abiromorphus anceyi Pic, 1924
- 한알락깔따구
- Ablabesmyia hanea Ree, 2016
- 정알락깔따구
- Ablabesmyia jeongi Ree, 2013
- 긴꼬리알락깔따구
- Ablabesmyia longistyla Fittkau, 1962
- 작은긴꼬리알락깔따구
- Ablabesmyia microlongistyla Ree, 2016
- 목걸이알락깔따구
- Ablabesmyia monilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 옆긴꼬리알락깔따구
- Ablabesmyia paralongistyla Ree, 2016
- 뭉툭알락깔따구
- Ablabesmyia prorasha Kobayashi & Kubota, 2002
- 용알락깔따구
- Ablabesmyia yongi Ree, 2013
- 민두꺼비바구미
- Acallinus tuberculatus Morimoto, 1962
- 버들깨알바구미
- Acalyptus carpini (Fabricius, 1792)
- 등뿔침노린재
- Acanthaspis cincticrus Stål, 1859
- 콩알하루살이
- Acentrella sibirica (Kazlauskas, 1963)
- 애고목바구미
- Acicnemis shibatai Voss, 1971
- 깨알하루살이
- Acentrella gnom (Kluge, 1983)
- 흰줄박이맵시벌
- Achaius oratorius albizonellus (Matsumura, 1912)
- 자귀나무고목바구미
- Acicnemis azumai Morimoto and Miyakawa, 1995
- 제주고목바구미
- Acicnemis luteomaculata Morimoto and Miyakawa, 1995
- 등나무고목바구미
- Acicnemis palliata Pascoe, 1872
- 등고목바구미
- Acicnemis suturalis Roelofs, 1875