
General Deposit Guidelines

General Deposit Guidelines

General Deposit Guidelines

FBCC accepts algae, bacteria, and fungi that are valuable for research, industry, and education in fields such as taxonomy, genetics, biochemistry, and medicine. The deposited cultures are preserved at the FBCC, and both the depositors and researchers can obtain the deposited bioresources for research purposes. Depositing is free of charge; however, in the case of international deposits, the depositor is responsible for the international shipping costs of the resources.

General Deposit Procedure

1Apply for a general deposit
2Review of the general deposit application
3Receipt of bioresources
4Identification and viability testing
5Preservation and issuance of certificate of deposit

General Deposit Criteria

You can apply for general deposit under the following conditions

  • Targeted Cultures for General Deposit

    • Cultures published or planning to get published in academic journals
    • Cultures with publicly available Genome or Transcriptome data
    • Cultures generally recognized as important (reference strains)
  • Conditions for Deposited Cultures

    • Cultures with sufficient and reliable information
    • Cultures that can be preserved without significant functional changes
    • Cultures that can be grown on artificial media