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  • No. 01 Scenedesmaceae 1 It is a green algae and is called a raft horse because it looks similar to a raft with trees connected side by side. It consists of an even number of cells, and a pyrenoid is observed in the center of the cell.
    뗏목말 1
  • No. 02 Scenedesmaceae 2 It is a green algae and is called a raft horse because it looks similar to a raft with trees connected side by side. It consists of an even number of cells, and a pyrenoid is observed in the center of the cell.
    뗏목말 2
  • No. 03 Closteriaceae It is a green algae group and has a thin and elongated shape like a crescent moon. Cells are 6 to 10 times the diameter and pyrenoids, the storage of starch, a photosynthetic product, are arranged in a spherical shape.
  • No. 04 오디말 As a green algae, an even number of cells are wrapped in mucus and gathered in a ball shape. Two flagella come out from each cell to live a floating life. Each cell has one pyrenoid, and red spots are observed.
  • No. 05 Cryptophyta Cell shape is rice grain and has brown color. It is small and eats a lot by other aquatic organisms. The small grains observed inside the cell are emitters that fire at predators.
  • No. 06 장구말 1 It is a group of green algae plants and is called Janggu Horse because it resembles Janggu among Korean musical instruments. The symmetry of the number of pyrenoids in the chloroplast, which is a storage of photosynthetic products in a horizontal symmetry, is not constant. It is common in wetlands and pools in each region.
    장구말 1
  • No. 07 장구말 2 It is a group of green algae plants and is called Janggu Horse because it resembles Janggu among Korean musical instruments. The symmetry of the number of pyrenoids in the chloroplast, which is a storage of photosynthetic products in a horizontal symmetry, is not constant. It is common in wetlands and pools in each region.
    장구말 2
  • No. 08 Cosmarium It is a group of green algae plants and is called a decoration word because it is similar to the merit given to people who contribute to the country. 8, 16, 32 cells are colonized, the cell size is 7~30u, and the diameter of the 16 colonies is 40~100u. It is a common freshwater species produced in various water bodies.
  • No. 09 Plectus cirratus Plectus cirratus is the first freshwater linear animal found in Nakdong River in Korea, characterized by having a bristle and circular sensory organs in the head (image D, head).
    플렉투스 시라투스
  • No. 10 Tobrilus aberrans Tobrirus Averans is the first freshwater linear animal found in the Nakdong River and features tofu's bristles and two pockets (image D, head).
    토브리러스 아베란스
  • No. 11 Prionchulus oleksandri Prionchulus oleksandri is the first freshwater linear animal found in the Nakdong River and features tofu (image B, esophageal part) with angled lips and teeth.
  • No. 12 디프지아 인테스티날리스 빙어의 내장에서 처음으로 분리된 세균 “디프지아 인테스티날리스(Deefgea intestinalis)” 입니다. 막대 모양의 간균(rod)이며, 세포의 끝에 편모(flagella)가 꼬리처럼 있어서 자유롭게 이동이 가능합니다.
    디프지아 인테스티날리스
  • No. 13 곰포네마 아큐미나튬 본 종은 돌말류(diatom)의 한 종으로, 돌말류는 담수·기수·해수 등의 수생태계에서 1차생산자의 역할을 하는 식물플랑크톤 중 60% 이상을 차지하는 생물군입니다.
    곰포네마 아큐미나튬
  • No. 14 심벨라 터기듈라 본 종은 돌말류(diatom)의 한 종으로, 돌말류는 담수·기수·해수 등의 수생태계에서 1차생산자의 역할을 하는 식물플랑크톤 중 60% 이상을 차지하는 생물군입니다.
    심벨라 터기듈라
  • No. 15 디스코스텔라 스텔리게라 본 종은 돌말류(diatom)의 한 종으로, 돌말류는 담수·기수·해수 등의 수생태계에서 1차생산자의 역할을 하는 식물플랑크톤 중 60% 이상을 차지하는 생물군입니다.
    디스코스텔라 스텔리게라